ICCCF 2024 Call for Workshops


ICCCF 2024 strongly encourages organization of workshops to supplement regular programmes, to bring together leading researchers and practitioners from around the globe to present their latest findings in emerging topics of cybercrime. Workshop proposals should cover, but not limited to, topics that relate to the regular technical programme.  All submitted workshop proposals will go through the same review process, and decisions of acceptance will base on recommendation by Organising Committee and review results.  Workshop organisers, workshop attendees and all invited speakers will be required to register for the main conference.

Workshop Proposal:

Proposals should include short summaries with the following information:

Name of organisers
Workshop titles
Workshop abstract and significance relating to the topic
At least 4 tentative titles and abstracts
Language to be used for conducting the workshop(s)
List of authors who agreed to contribute paper(s) to the Workshop
A short biography of workshop organiser(s), including affiliation, address, emails.

Please submit your proposals by email to icccf@apatas.org on or before 15 April 2024.